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Briana Clarkson Griggs

About Me

Hello! My name is Briana and I am a Software Development apprentice. I am currently attending Base Camp Coding Academy as a part of the Graduate Institute where they are teaching me many languages to prepare me for entering the field of Software Development. As of right now, I have learned python, html and CSS, Javascript, and now learning Django. I am also an artist with a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design and am looking to combine it with all that I have learned from BCCAGI and take my creativity to the next level!



Unit 1 Project: Maze of Horrors

This was my first group project. Though I was on my honeymoon, that did not stop me and my group from communicating and working on the project. We decided that we would make a horror maze program. There would be 4 ways to enter the maze but only 2 would lead to the center. My path, the west path, was the shortest and deadliest route but in my opinion I think it was the most fun part to code.

Unit 2 Project: Solksvwagen Sales Management System

This was my second group project. My team wanted to make a program that seemed more realistic, so our solution was a program that would manage the totally "real"-iable Solkswagens vehicles. Along with viewing cars, the program also has set admins that can edit the car system and promote customers to moderators while the customers can browse it.

First Website: The G.O.A.T.

For our first project in html and CSS, my class was tasked with making a webpage for our G.O.A.T. (Greatest of all time) and explain who they are. I chose my beautiful cat S'more. I drew the background for the site myself and included a link to a tiktok embedded in the images of S'more's up top. In this tiktok I made it look like the user could be taking him to the park and push S'more around in his very beloved pink stroller.

React Project: Wan Shi Tong's Library

With learning Javascript, I learned some new ways to expand my creativity by DOM manipulation and playing with react. For the unit project for Javascript, we were tasked with creating a project using the CRUD method and my team chose to do a project based on a series that is very dear to all of us called Avatar: The Last Airbender. In this library the user is presented with cards based on characters from the show. With these cards the user can edit, update, and delete them.The user can also add new cards to it as well!

Easy Piercy, Lemon Breezy Piercing Shop

For Django we were tasked with building individual projects. For my project, I made a fake website for booking piercings. The fake website can have admins and users. One can register an account and log in. As a user, one can book appointments by selecting which piercing they want and then choose a date and a time for the appointment. If the user has an appointment, they are able to change the time of their appointment. The admins can log in and see all upcoming appointments and even delete appointments for if someone decides to cancel.

Cupid Shuffle

For Django, we were assigned into teams to make a group project and my group had the fun idea of making a dating app that we called the "Cupid Shuffle". My team was put together because due to circumstances each one of us were absent at different times for the same amount of time and though that sounds scary we came out with a great project. Cupid Shuffle requires the user to register an account, sign in, make a dating profile, log out, and take a personality quiz. With the personality quiz the user can be calculated matches if they have 3 items or more in common with each other. The user if unsatisfied or satisfied and married can also delete their account.

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me through these links!